Darren Hayes - Right Dead Back On It

I've got a burning desire
It feels like a fire burning deep in my soul
You know it's out of control
I feel the temperature rising
I think I'm capsizing
Going out of my brain
I think I'm going insane
I wanna be the crick in your neck, trip in your step
Facing the crowd that you never forget
You're never gonna get rid of me
Have to be removed forcably
I made it my mission tonight
Scoping your vibe
Getting some digits in the 4 1 5
Don't want someone to make love to me
I just friends and then we'll see
Right dead back on it
I know where you belong
And you just keep me holding on
Right dead back on it
I'm feeling you so strong
So tell me how could this be wrong
Just go to work on me ...
I'll go to work on you ...
Definitely a fatal attraction
Chemical reaction
But how many times have I been fed this kind of lie
You need a certain kind of man
You need to have the upper hand
I do not think they understand
I am not through with my demands
I need personality please
Intellectual breeze
Ease of conversation, not a sexual tease
Somebody devoted to me
Stacked with sincerity
But you don't know me
But I know what it feels
Take a chance on something baby
Show me how you feel
Right dead back on it
I know where you belong
And you just keep me holding on
Right dead back on it
Feeling you so strong
So tell me how could this be wrong
Just go to work on me
I'll go to work on you
I wanna be the crick in your neck, trip in your step
I need personality please
Intellectual breeze
Take a chance on something baby
Show me how you feel
You don't know me
I'd Like to get to know you
Get to know me
Get to know me
Get to know me
Get to know me
Right dead back on it
I know where you belong
And you just keep me holding on
Right dead back on it
Feeling you so strong
So tell me how could this be wrong
Right dead back on it
I know where you belong
And you just keep me holding on
Right dead back on it
Feeling you so strong
So tell me how could this be wrong
You don't know me
I don't know you
Get to know me
Get to know me
Get to know me
Get to know me
Get to know me
Get to know me
Right dead back on it
I know where you belong
And you just keep me holding on
Right dead back on it
Feeling you so strong
So tell me how could this

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